Saturday, May 26, 2012

Chance Performance for Gabrielle Roth

Today I performed my piece for Gabrielle Roth. She is the creator 5 Rhythms, a dance practice that I've been doing for 8 years. My friends Lori Saltzman and Kathy Altman - who have been teaching her work since its inception - were telling her about my show. G said she was interested in seeing it. Lor and Kath called me yesterday and asked if I was available. I had a tech rehearsal scheduled for my upcoming show but I immediately rescheduled it and said, "Uh yeah! Just tell me when and where." I knew Gabrielle has been involved in the New York theater scene for most of her adult life so I was excited to get some feedback from her. My friends drove me to her small apartment in Mill Valley that she keeps year round. There was a trampoline in the shared yard. It couldn't have been a more perfect way for me to warm up and burn off some nerves. I performed for her while she hung out in her bed. Afterward, she, like most people who have seen my show, was appalled at how my rape had been handled. She said that the writing was well done but that it wasn't theatrical writing. She said that she would be in touch with her feedback but that she needed to think it through some more. Then she told me to come and lie on her bed with her. She gave me a hug and said, "I'm so sorry this happened to you, baby." I ran back to Lor and Kaths and printed her a copy of the script. My friends returned as well and said, "Heath,  She's interested in working with you if you can make it to New York this summer." I texted Gabrielle and said I was definitely interested. Oh man, if I can perform my piece for G, then I won't have any problem performing for the impressive list of invites on June 4th!

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